Elle s Creatives

Hi, I’m Elle!

As an educator I value the importance of recognizing and embracing individual learning styles.

As a creative, I inspire using both vivid

imagination and real life elements. It allows for my learners to fuse the abstract into concrete skills .

Most importantly I believe in motivating passion, confidence, and pure joy.

My Teaching Experience

I have over a decade of teaching experience in Early Child Education with grades Pre-k -2nd grade.

After realizing how many children were struggling with reading, I pursued further education and became professionally trained in Orton Gillingham.

Orton Gillingham focuses on the science of reading. Teaching students the “how?” and “why?” behind reading. It also incorporates teaching with a multi-sensory approach, which is much more engaging and supports retaining of information.

“…people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya Angelou

Why it matters

I attended one of the best school districts, yet learning was still very difficult for me.

Not to mention it took me years to find my voice, speak up, and confidently say, “I just don’t get it. Could you please help me?”

Often times children may feel too embarrassed for giving the wrong answer or simply seeking help when among their peers.

They naturally begin to compensate or “blend in” so that “negative” attention isn’t directed towards them.

Although they may seem fine, inside they’re really struggling.

If we do notice this we shouldn’t assume that they will simply “catch up” or “get it”.

Most who struggle to read by third grade often continue to struggle with reading their entire


It affects their progress with learning, but most importantly their confidence and self-esteem.

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Check out my client being interviewed about her child’s learning experience with me,

by Emmy award winning television journalist, Jackie Orozoco of ABC News, WSYX


How it works

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  • We’ll work together, building upon your child’s strengths and interests that best support their learning journey.

  • We’ll also emphasize individual progress and goals rather than comparisons or performances.

  • I believe that small successes increase confidence, which then promotes motivation.

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  • Incorporating real-life elements allows children to discover more about the world.

  • It also creates deeper connections within learning.

  • We’ll creatively discover new concepts & vocabulary that support understanding of context, words, and their meanings.
Virtual session
Practicing Onset Rime
Letter name sound identification



“She came in from school and yelled,

“I want to see Ms.Elle,

let’s go daddy!”

Thank you for making this an experience she loves!”


“When they want you to sit down and let them read to you, or show you something Elle has taught them, my heart just melts.”


“Elle makes learning fun, focuses on boosting confidence, and helping them find their voice so that they are aware and proud of their talents and accomplishments.”


Learning Packages
Educational Worksheet Geometric Shapes


On demand video lessons

Access to weekly printables & ​interactive activities

Community Learning Portal for your ​child to engage with other peers.



Educational Worksheet Geometric Shapes

On demand video lessons

Access to weekly printables & ​interactive activities

Community Learning Portal for your ​child to engage with other peers.

1:1 parent support with Elle 2x

a month

45 minute small group sessions 1x a ​week



Educational Worksheet Geometric Shapes

On demand video lessons

Access to weekly printables & ​interactive activities

Community Learning Portal for your ​child to engage with other peers.

1:1 parent support with Elle 2x

a month

60 minute 1:1 sessions 1x a week


*Rates are reflective of 3 month commitment per package


We love hearing from you!

Connect with us on social media to share your feedback and thoughts.


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